we do not require or offer a subscription to use our site, pay only the service fee listed when booking.
While we are still in development, please use this form for service requests. If you do not see an option for a service you need please use the "other" option and let us know what you need and we will be happy to take care of it for you. Also, for food delivery services you can use this same form temporarily. Simply choose the Food Delivery option and let us know the name and location of the restaurant, and if you want us to place the order or simply pick it up for you. If we will be placing the order for you please make sure to provide your order as well as any requests and or substitutions. Thank you for your patience while we continue development on our site.
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RapidRun℠ Services (Can be scheduled as well)
While in development all services provided by ZenErrands LLC are not listed here, please check "Other" and provide details about a service you are looking for.