About ZenErrands

ZenErrands was born out of a hectic 2023 holiday season. Just after our move before Thanksgiving, our household was busy with activity. With a catering order to pick up and no time to spare (cooking a Thanksgiving dinner was out of the question in the midst of unpacking), I realized the need for a convenient service to handle such tasks. Surprisingly, no such service or app was readily available. This experience sparked the idea for ZenErrands, a solution designed to simplify busy lives by taking care of everyday tasks, no matter how big or small.

The planning, research, and development of ZenErrands LLC began immediately the next day. Our aim is to offer rates that are more affordable and transparent than those of any existing delivery service, without any hidden fees. For example, our fee for picking up and delivering a food order is $10, which includes a 5-mile radius. This is a flat fee with no additional charges (delivery fee, service fee, etc.). In addition to these services, we also provide a variety of other errand-running and personal assistant services to meet our clients' diverse needs.

With a background in successfully serving enterprise-level customers, Domenic is dedicated to providing the same exceptional service to all of our clients, regardless of size. He believes in going above and beyond to ensure customer satisfaction and is committed to bringing onboard the best talent who share his passion for delivering outstanding service. As we continue to grow, our focus remains on making and keeping our customers happy.

Our mobile app is still in the design phase and we continue to work on the website development. During this time customers are encouraged to use the Service Request form for any service needs.

We look forward to being your go to for all your Errand Running and Personal Assistant needs!

~your Zen~
~Our Errands~